Many individuals, mostly in the city of Detroit, have found themselves behind on property taxes owed to the Wayne County Treasurer and face the risk of losing their home. Timeline -A city tax bill is sent out to the homeowner in both July and December for both Summer and Winter taxes. Property taxes are assessed… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Michigan Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy and Your Spouse
How Bankruptcy Affects Your Spouse As more and more married couples keep their finances separated, people frequently ask if bankruptcy will affect their husband or wife. Since nobody can MAKE you file for bankruptcy, a number of our married clients end up filing bankruptcy without their husband or wife. Usually the non-filing spouse will want… Read more »
Why You’re Not Getting Arrested for Student Loans
If you’ve been on social media in the last week you’ve probably heard about Paul Aker. He claims he was arrested by US Marshals because he owed student loan debt (who doesn’t?). There is STILL no Debtors’ Prison I’ll let you get caught up on the facts that were reported in the original story here…. Read more »
10 Questions with a Client – Part 1

Periodically our office likes to reach out to our clients to give others an idea how the process of filing bankruptcy works with our office. Allowing others to tell their story helps give potential clients a good idea of how a bankruptcy works and may help dispel common misconceptions. We have taken out all… Read more »
Convert Your Case in Bankruptcy
Can I Convert My Case? Whether you file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, situations often change and converting your case to a different chapter is often the best option. This blog post will highlight when you should consider converting your case and how to go about the conversion. As always, it is best… Read more »
Dealing with Judgments

Judgments in a Nutshell We see it all too often: A family purchases a used vehicle from a dealership down the street. Although initially unhappy about the 24.99% interest rate, they are relieved to have a method of transportation to take them to work and back, drop the children off to school and get groceries…. Read more »
A 2015 Michigan Foreclosure Crisis?
Saving your house from foreclosure Although we are a long way from the foreclosure crisis of 2006, experts predict that 2015 will represent a large spike in foreclosures forcing many families out of their homes. This is due primarily many of the temporary relief measures during the crisis coming to an end. The government programs,… Read more »
Michigan Unemployment Overpayment and Bankruptcy
Can Bankruptcy Discharge my Unemployment Overpayments in Michigan? Many of our clients have collected unemployment insurance payments in the years leading up to their bankruptcy. For various reasons, our clients will occasionally receive more than they were supposed to. The State of Michigan demands that the overpayment benefits be paid back regardless of the reason… Read more »
Credit Scores and Employment
This is part 2 in a series on how credit scores can impact more than your ability to get a loan. You can find part one, which covers insurance, here. Employment | Your Credit Score Affects a Lot More Than Credit Clients often seek our help with their consumer debt issues. We help clients with… Read more »
Can I file for bankruptcy without an attorney?

Yes. Bankruptcy without an attorney is possible. We don’t recommend it, however, so this article is for information purposes only. Come in and discuss your situation with one of our lawyers even if you plan on filing bankruptcy yourself. Why file bankruptcy without an attorney? First things first… yes, you’re able to file Chapter 7… Read more »