Saving your house from foreclosure Although we are a long way from the foreclosure crisis of 2006, experts predict that 2015 will represent a large spike in foreclosures forcing many families out of their homes. This is due primarily many of the temporary relief measures during the crisis coming to an end. The government programs,… Read more »
Posts Tagged: michigan bankruptcy
Credit Scores and Renting from Landlords
This is part 3 in a series on how credit scores can impact more than your ability to get a loan. Previously, we discussed insurance and employment. Renting | Your Credit Score affects a lot more than credit Clients often seek our help with their consumer debt issues. We help clients with debt related to… Read more »
Michigan Unemployment Overpayment and Bankruptcy
Can Bankruptcy Discharge my Unemployment Overpayments in Michigan? Many of our clients have collected unemployment insurance payments in the years leading up to their bankruptcy. For various reasons, our clients will occasionally receive more than they were supposed to. The State of Michigan demands that the overpayment benefits be paid back regardless of the reason… Read more »
Credit Scores and Employment
This is part 2 in a series on how credit scores can impact more than your ability to get a loan. You can find part one, which covers insurance, here. Employment | Your Credit Score Affects a Lot More Than Credit Clients often seek our help with their consumer debt issues. We help clients with… Read more »
Can I file for bankruptcy without an attorney?

Yes. Bankruptcy without an attorney is possible. We don’t recommend it, however, so this article is for information purposes only. Come in and discuss your situation with one of our lawyers even if you plan on filing bankruptcy yourself. Why file bankruptcy without an attorney? First things first… yes, you’re able to file Chapter 7… Read more »
Snow day update

Worst. Winter. Ever. Unless you’ve been inside since Halloween, you’re well aware that this has been an especially gross winter. Detroit has already locked up the bragging rights for most miserable winter. At this point, I’m cheering for the last couple inches of snow to set an all-time record for Detroit. Understandably, today’s storm made… Read more »
Can I Keep a Credit Card if I file Bankruptcy?

Can I keep my credit card if I file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy? I just had a client call with the same questions we’ve been asked a million times before… “Can I keep my credit card if I file for bankruptcy? It’s a great question that unfortunately gets the typical lawyer answer. “It depends.” Unlike… Read more »
How Much Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cost?

tl;dr| Come in for a free consult and we’ll give you an exact bankruptcy cost. Understandably, we get calls all the time wanting to know how much it’ll cost them to file for bankruptcy. Because the final cost depends on many complicated factors, the question can be difficult to answer without getting more information about… Read more »