With all of the changes being made there’s something that has remained constant at Detroit Lawyers, PLLC: our value in establishing an honest, communicative, and open relationship with our clients. We want you to always feel assured that we’re here with you every step of the way. In doing so, we’ve taken the time to outline this entire process from start to finish.
Steps to filing for bankruptcy without leaving your home:
Free Consultation:
Available through phone call, Zoom conference call, or facetime call
Upon setting up the consultation:
- We’ll send you an intake form to fill out (this will allow us to determine all of the options available to you).
- This is a fillable form that can be completed right on your phone, or home computer without the need to print.
- Not tech-savvy? Not a problem. We will fill the form out with you over the phone and proceed with the consultation.
Retaining our firm:
Once you’ve hired us to represent you, a retainer agreement will be executed.
- Retainer agreement: Attorney-client
agreement outlining the terms and services of our firm will be sent
electronically and can be signed electronically.
- Payment to retain and secure our services: All payments can be made over the phone with a card, or directly on our website at www.detroitlawyers.com/pay
- Required Documents: A list of required documents specified to your case will be sent electronically along with retainer agreement (see number 3 for elaboration).
Required Documents:
You will receive list of documents that are necessary to file
How to get documents to us:
- Email them (we don’t mind you bombarding our inboxes)
- Provide us with your login information and we’ll pull them for you
- We can also assist with setting up logins to gain online access
- Fax them
- Take a picture(s) and text them
- All of the above
Filing your case:
Due to the court temporarily suspending the requirement to obtain a person’s original signature we can now set your filing appointment to happen via phone.
- We will set up a time to go over your bankruptcy petition and schedules with you.
- We will send you a copy of your completed petition for your review.
- We will get your written permission to affix your signature.
- We will electronically file your case through the court.
Court Procedure:
New court procedures have been established so that you do not need to physically appear in court for your 341 Meeting of Creditors.
The way your court meeting will be held is dependent on your assigned trustee.
Your hearing will be held a couple of different ways:
- Over the phone: We will provide you with a phone number and access code to call on the day of your originally scheduled court meeting. Your court meeting will take place over the phone with us, and your assigned trustee.
- Interrogatory form: This contains a series of questions you will need to answer. The questions mainly pertain to the information already provided on your bankruptcy petition.
We have personally made this into a fillable form so that you can complete it on your phone, or home computer without needing to print.
Getting your Discharge:
Your case is set to be Discharged 60 days from the date of your court meeting.
How to get your Bankruptcy Discharge:
- Check your mail!
Day-to-day activities may be limited, but our services and willingness to aid you through these financial difficulties are not. Give us a call or go on our website at any time to set up a free consultation.