About Nick Best – Bankruptcy Attorney
Why did you Choose Bankruptcy Law?

Nick Best
When I tell people that my firm mostly focuses on Michigan bankruptcy law, they’ll often comment on how sad my line of work must be. In my opinion, that misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. While it’s not uncommon for a client to be upset when they come in, they’re usually all smiles by the time they walk out of their first consultation appointment. Regardless of what they decide to do after we meet, there’s a huge sigh of relief when they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Most of my clients have been dealing with their financial stress for quite some time before they make it into my office. It’s nice being able to offer them definite solutions. I know it’s hard to see while you’re going through it, but I truly believe that money problems are the best kind of problem to have because it’s fixable and the damage isn’t permanent. Don’t believe the myth that bankruptcy will follow you around forever or that you’ll never be able to borrow money again. Ask me how we can actually improve your credit score through bankruptcy.
So, that’s why being a Michigan bankruptcy practitioner is so much fun. I get an unfair amount of credit for simply showing what debt relief tools are available. My clients have already done the hard part when they decided to take control meet with a bankruptcy attorney. Whether it’s putting a stop to a harassing phone calls or preventing a foreclosure on the eve of a sheriff sale, I’m grateful that I get to be there when things turn around for my clients. I also enjoy representing my clients in other areas of law, but there are few things that can compare to watching someone take control of their financial future with a fresh start.
What’s Special About Detroit Lawyers, PLLC
There are plenty of fine law firms in Michigan. I really don’t like to say we’re “better” than other bankruptcy firms (you can say it if you want 🙂 ), but we do try to do things differently whenever possible. If you’re checking out multiple attorneys, and you should, then you’ll hopefully notice how transparent and “anti-salesy” we are when you come in.
(1) You’ll know exactly who your attorney is.
Because bankruptcy is a process, you’ll have to meet with your attorney at least a few times. It’s important to (1) make sure you’re getting advice from an attorney and not the legal staff and (2) make sure you’ll be able to work with the same attorney for your entire case. You’ll either meet with me or Scott for your initial consultation and all future appointments, including court dates. We won’t send an attorney from outside our firm to cover your hearing, and we won’t use other members of our staff to meet with you for “routine” appointments after you retain.
(2) Your attorney will be surprisingly easy to get in touch with.
Lawyers probably deserve their poor reputation for returning messages. You should be able to get a response to an email or phone call in a timely manner. While we can’t promise we won’t be in court or with another client when you need us, we’re pretty hip with our smartphones. Your message will find our attention and get a response as soon as possible. We don’t have the receptionist pretend we’re with another client (maybe for sales calls). Even if it’s your first time calling our office you can speak to an attorney right away. We don’t train our staff to make you set an office appointment to talk to one of us. We also don’t use call centers or outsourced legal help. If you call, you can be sure you’re talking to someone in our office (unless it’s after hours and we’re forwarding it to our cell phone).
Anything Else?
Yes. I really appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us. I know you have a million other options when looking for an attorney and we’re all desperately trying to get your attention. If you’re still reading this, it’s probably because you’re my mother or because Google thought we were relevant to you. Either way, thank you for checking us out. Feel free drop me a line if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, concerns or if there’s anything I can do to help.
Please don’t wait until your situation gets worse and harder to fix. People often avoid seeing a lawyer as if we’re as terrible as the dentist (I’m allowed to say that… my wife’s a dentist). Usually it’s because they’re unsure if they can afford the help or if we’ll even be able to help at all. Even if you haven’t given up on your “Plan A”, come in and we’ll explore your best options for “Plan B.” If you have a serious aversion to law offices, I’ll meet for a coffee instead. My treat.
More About Nick:
Nick earned a full academic scholarship to the University of Michigan and graduated with a degree in economics. Afterwards, he decided to stay in the Metro Detroit area with his soon to be fiancée, who was also graduating from UofM and headed to dental school in Detroit. Before deciding to go back to law school, Nick mostly ran his sprinkler business (which is still thriving today) and dabbled in some side “jobs” for fun (high school wrestling coach, realtor, ordained internet minister). He earned a full academic scholarship at Cooley and enrolled at the Auburn Hills campus near his home and completing his degree in two years.
Nick and his wife now live in Troy with their three sons. When he’s not at work he’s usually oversharing pictures of his children and consuming too much caffeine (this is the same thing he does at the office). He also has a mutt who doesn’t get enough attention nowadays…